Sign Up For FREE Curbside Recycling in Kula!
Kula residents from Omaopio to Keokea are eligible for FREE curbside recycling of HI 5 beverage containers!
Aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles
Does NOT include:
Wine bottles, milk jugs, bi metal cans, cat food cans, 2 liter water bottles.
When Is Pick Up?
Friday mornings before 1pm
How Does It Work?
Just stick your HI 5 containers in a bag, box, or some sort of receptacle out by your garbage can or end of your driveway and we’ll come by and pick it up.
Is It Really Free?
The program operates on voluntary donations which you can make by visiting our Donate page, but yes—it’s totally free.
By signing up you agree to receive text or email correspondence for program updates or announcements.